Apogee League City East is an innovative private school, and Family Educational Center serving the families of young leaders ages 4-13 years old with plans to grow into middle and high school ages.
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”
Apogee League City East is an innovative private school serving young leaders ages 4-11 years old with plans to grow into middle and high school ages.
We believe that parents are the primary educators of their young leaders, and parents with our campus will always have a direct say in their young leaders education. Our goal is to use education to strengthen the family unit by making it a journey of growth for the entire family.
Physical health and fitness is a non-negotiable on our campus, and there are endless options and opportunities to be physically active. We understand and believe physical health is a pre-curser to mental health, and our young leaders will learn and understand the physiology of their body and develop the tools and healthy habits to use it to positively impact their lives.
Our country was founded on the principles of freedom and sovereignty. We are bringing those principles back into education by allowing our young leaders and their families to be free-thinking, responsibility seeking individuals. We believe each young leader is a genius in their own way and in giving them an avenue to offer their gifts to the world.
Teachers lecture to "fill the students" with knowledge
Success measure by grades
Standardized tests and memorization
Assembly line organization
Early 20th century teaching methods
No emphasis on physical fitness
Parents locked out and left behind
Collaborative work environment with mix aged squads
Real world skills through projects and discussions
Set and achieve individualized goals
Student-lead learning with an engaged coach (teacher)
21st-century tech allows for self-paced learning
Emphasis on movement, fitness, and outside time
Parents involved and included